December 2020

Hello, my dears,

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a God-filled New Year 2021.

God wants peace on earth -
and what prayer has to do with it
1 Timothy 2:1-6
(The Bible, New Evangelistic Translation)

First of all, I urge you to pray for all people: to ask and supplicate, to intercede and to give thanks, especially for those in power and those in power. We pray for them so that we can live in peace and tranquility a life that honors God in every way and that can also be respected by men. This is good and pleases God our Savior. He wants all people to be saved and to recognize the truth. For there is only one God and only one Mediator between God and man: That is JESUS CHRIST, WHO BECAME MAN and handed himself over as a ransom for all. This was the timely testimony that God wants to save people.

I would like to heed this request of Paul from the Bible, especially in this challenging time in 2020 and early 2021. Don't complain, but pray, stand before God's throne for all people and all those responsible. Ask more, thank more, beg God that people can live in peace, in peace with God, encounter him and the circumstances are such that Christians too can spread joy and confidence around them.

Paul's testimony in this passage of letters is a message of joyful Christmas. God is our Savior and He wants all people to be saved and understand the truth about us, life and God and make their way to heaven.

On the move

As a family we are on the move again. On January 13, 2021 we would like to return to Tanzania. This stirs many different feelings in us. We vacillate between the pain of saying goodbye and anticipation, between the Christmas spirit and the whirlwind of moving. We moved again from Gießen to Holzhausen in mid-December because the apartment in Gießen was no longer available. So we will be staying in Holzhausen near Wycliff a few weeks before departure. It already feels like we're losing ground. Children, like us, are more tense and irritable. We still have some way to go to make all final travel arrangements. We ask that you pray for success and for God's power at this stage. Rebekka says "that was my best year" because they've already experienced snow twice so far. She and Elijah were overjoyed.

Holiday in Prague

Very nice was our vacation in July in Prague.It was super funny there in the hall of mirrors.

Evening lecture in the Evangelical Community in Heuchelheim near Giessen on November 4th, 2020

Visits and trips 2020

We have had a very blessed time in Germany. We were able to visit a total of 23 churches, some even several times, a Christian school, several prayer groups or home groups, many relatives, families and friends. We have been greatly encouraged by many of you. We experienced intensive prayer communities in which God spoke. We were really floored by the warmth in so many churches and the love that is also shown in the willingness to donate. We couldn't visit all of you, some appointments were also canceled due to Corona. We're sorry. Another reason that makes us very grateful: we were healthy all year round, with the exception of a few minor aches and pains.
We thank God and you so much for this great time with you.

Anyone who still wants to hear the sermon on the subject: "In suffering a witness to God" (2 Tim 4:7-18), which Daniel preached during this period, can find it here together with a brief introduction to the service in Tanzania from around 10 minutes in the video:

Sermon from the Heubach Evangelical Free Church Congregation on October 4, 2020; please click "View on YouTube":

No stop in Tanzania

In Tanzania the work continued. Mwasandube, my (Daniel's) local "right hand man", continued to visit artists and staff in the Sangu area. From Germany, I supervised the work and put a special focus on the planning of projects.

A major highlight was the handing over of the Bible to the Sangu people. Many people bought the translation of the New Testament and Genesis. Approximately 17 years of work have gone into this work. We can be part of a great story that God is writing with this and other peoples in Tanzania.

Sangu Bible Handover Ceremony - November 2020

This video was produced by my colleague from Mbeya, Steve Pence.


You help make all of this possible. Thank you very much!

Have a contemplative time, from the bottom of our hearts we wish God's blessings,

your Damaris, Daniel, Samuel, Rebecca and Elijah

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