

Dream about dwarf swans

29.06.2022 - Daniel

A normal, already more elegantly designed living room. I'm visiting. There it is again, the image of the dreams of the Tanzanians, which one can find in a similar way even in a mud hut in the village.

Photoshopped super cool, you have to take a closer look, see below, sorry, glossy paper. A kind of Lego villa with a floating car, dwarf swans and a fat BMW for life that hasn't been lowered. That's what people dream of here. From what is almost normal for many in our latitudes. But is it all worthwhile? What do I do with it once I have it? Can I make any relevant difference with this? Well, maybe here, if you come along with such a car, doors will open for you...if it hasn't already landed on a small elevation somewhere on the dirt roads. Funny, Samuel recently saw a lowered car at the basketball court, stuck on a small hill, there he was, the cool guy, stuck, couldn't move forward or back.
Why should I dream of something that doesn't bring anything in life!?

Recently at our table we had a discussion about the rich man who sadly left Jesus because he was supposed to give up what his heart hung on.

could i do that Giving up, really letting go? Here in Tanzania, too, we are at risk of daydreaming instead of following Jesus.

What really helps, what helps for life? What helps people to be at peace with God, to be content in their marriages and families, to be happy with what they have?

Thank God for what we have and what we are because of you! Let me dream about what matters most to you!

It's almost 5 years since I started my studies in "World Arts"


Been a while since we lived in Dallas. Here is a look back at the beginnings. I try to tell from the green table what we do and why all this. At the time I was studying World Arts and am still studying it. However, more such subjects that help me to reflect on my work. I am very grateful for this and look forward to the next major which I will take from January to May 2022 to reflect on working with the Mbugwe. Have fun with this video, especially for those who don't know us that well.

If you are interested in this very varied and exciting course of study, here is a link to the Dallas International University and Center for Excellence in World Arts:

MA in World Arts

On road

around Christmas

21.12.2020 - Daniel

Oh man, now I'm looking for something gray rubber Birkenstock slippers. I put it vertically in some pocket, but which one?

I moved from Gießen to Holzhausen a few days ago and think back.

Almost exactly five years ago we moved here from Limbach-Oberfrohna to prepare ourselves specifically for the service with Wycliff. Since then we have moved every year around Christmas, not just around Christmas, also twice in the middle of the year, but always in the time of year when others have the time and opportunity to decorate their homes for Advent. Instead, we surrounded ourselves with boxes and suitcases.

And how was Jesus' family doing? Not much different. Lots of movement, first to Bethlehem, then move to Nazareth. When Jesus was two or three years old, the wise men came from the Far East. No, they don't actually belong to the nativity figures. Then the family fled to Egypt and returned after a long time. Jesus was already a strong boy who consciously experienced these changes.
And every year we try to put the boxes in one corner and the Christmas tree, whether it's a conifer or a medicine tree from the garden, in the other corner. At least in one half of the room a little contemplative atmosphere. And even then there is always a bit of restlessness inside. The soul is still in the old place or is preparing for the return to Tanzania as it is now.

We are on our way, the destination is where Jesus is now, the glory of heaven, eternal life with God. Life on earth is a journey to a greater goal. It doesn't always feel good, but in faith we walk towards that moment when Jesus Christ will end the world and our souls will find complete stillness.

"Because here on earth there is no place that would really be our home and where we could stay forever. Our whole longing is for that future city 'to which we are on our way'." (The Bible, Hebrews 13:14, New Geneva Translation)

I pray that all of us in our family can satisfy our longing for rootedness with this perspective.

And maybe we'll get another last-minute Christmas tree and still manage to find the balls in the warehouse in Siegen. The straw stars are unfortunately in Tanzania.

My rubber slippers will turn up again in the next few days while sorting and packing for Tanzania.

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